自由門是不是不能用了??自由門 自由門是不是不能用了??
今天我開自由門瀏覽網路發現幾乎所有網頁都進不去都顯示ERRORThe requested URL could not be retrieved--------------------------------------------------------------------------------While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: The system returned: (111) Connection refusedThe remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. Your cache administrator is webmaster. 怎麼會這樣呢???
我這幾天開也是一樣阿但剛剛又試了一下,這次跳出了這個Shareware version FreegateThank you for using DynaWeb, the gateway to uncensored Internet. Startingfrom Januarary 1, 2009, we only provide fee based or limit services tousers not from China. Users fron China will still be able to useDynaWeb free of charge. For non-China users, we will release sharewareversion of Freegate soon. There are also free softwares that help usersto gain anonomity like Tor. These softwares may help to achieve yourpurpose as well. Various entities expressed their interests in payingfor group license for certain countries. You may check back foropportunities like this. Wish you a wonderful and uncensored day. 看起來是FreeGate這套軟體,從2009年開始要針對非中國大陸用戶來收錢了..
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參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1509010300772 自由門